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Thank You, Congress Delegates!

Dear Equine Dental Colleague & Member of NCED

It was a great pleasure to see you at the recent 2020 Congress of Nordic College of Equine Dentistry. Three days filled with interesting lectures, new knowledge, inputs and eye-openers.

Big Thank “You’s”

When looking back at the 2020 experience and bearing in mind the feedback we have received; it clearly points out the NCED members great eagerness in the development of Equine Dentistry. All searching for greater knowledge to promote this field of study in the academic community worldwide.

A big thank you to all delegates and speakers for joining and making the 2020 edition so special!

Professionals like you are the motivating force of this college and your drive is invaluable for the development of NCED. We hope that the congress inspired you to be more active in our Equine Dental Network, keep developing and making your everyday work even more challenging and interesting.

Dedicated sponsors; It has been a pleasure to work with you. You, like veterinarians, work tirelessly in promoting the quality of your company products and services. We sincerely appreciate this and believe the 2020 congress to be a successful collaboration - enough to see you again next year hopefully!

Thank you also, to contributors from outside the dentistry field who have given their support to both college and congress. The unrelated eye is always important and greatly appreciated.

Last, a very warm thank you to board members; DVM Mette Aarup and DVM Ellen F. Schmedling. As announced at our Annual Meeting, 18th January 2020, Mette and Ellen are now leaving the board.
We wish you both all the best in your equine dental work and hope you will continue being active as Fellow Members in the important task of moving horse dentistry forward. Your contribution to start-up the NCED as well as build it to what it has become today has been invaluable. Thank You!

Looking back @ the 2020 Congress

We have made a gallery at our webpage with photos and videos from the 2020 Congress held at Malmö Arena Hotel 16th - 18th January 2020.

Enjoy & and look back in the 2020 Gallery:

Upcoming NCED Courses 2020

The NCED board continues in its commitment to the development of the organisation and is dedicated to furthering research and education. Courses and events are already being planned and new events soon to be announced.

22 & 23 April 2020 we are arranging, in Sweden: ‘NCED Dental Materials in Equine Dentistry’. Speakers: Torbjörn Lundström and Henry Tremaine.

For more information & registration visit:

Updates @ NCED Members Area

We will update you with the latest news on education and events at the Members Area and Facebook.

Missing Abstracts Congress 2020

Carsten Staszyk and Carsten Grøndahl has sent us the “missing slides” for sharing with you.

Download Abstracts @ Members Area

Diplomas Congress 2020

We apologize for spelling mistakes in some of the diplomas, especially the ones for the pre-congress.

If this has happened to you and you would like new diplomas with your name spelled correctly, do not hesitate to contact the administration. Sara and Annika will ship you new ones. Contact them at

Stay in Touch!

We are looking forward to staying in touch during the year and hope to see some of you at our 2020 NCED Courses. All ideas and skills are welcome when developing the Nordic College of Equine Dentistry. Feel free to contact us anytime!

All for the sake of the horse.

Warm Regards,

The NCED Board

DDS Torbjörn Lundström - Chairman

DVM Therése Lundberg - Secretary

DVM Karin Alexandersson - Treasurer

DVM Øyvind Berven - Education

DVM Wouter Demey - Research

DVM Stijn Teysen - Research & Education

Ms Sara Wessmann - Administration & Member Contact

Ms Annika Berven - Info & Marketing; Web & Print Contact

Photos: Mads Pårup & Annika Berven


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