Key information
Event: The 2025 Congress of Nordic College of Equine Dentistry
Conference theme: Biology, Dentistry and the Dentist
Conference dates: 23rd to 25th of January 2025
Venue: Malmö Arena Hotel, Malmö, Sweden
Final Abstract Submission deadline: 30th of April 2024
Submisson receiver:
The Conference Programme Committee hereby welcome you to submit papers, unpublished knowledge of interest and/or other relevant content from a wide variety of interdisciplinary perspectives. As always, the congress base is biology and dentistry, thus presenting the most recent research and discoveries, along with interesting case studies, diagnostics and treatment options.
The theme for 2025 includes THE DENTIST, which opens for a bit different perspective, on top of the biology&dentistry base. For example, we this time welcome presentations about tips and tricks in our daily work, like mental and physical health concerns, ambulatory setups, ergonomics, handling the difficult horse, sedation techniques, crisis handling, self-education, owner education, bit&bridle advice, customer care, PR, law and insurance discussions, drug ordination policies and record writing – open your mind and share your knowledge.
About the NCED congress
The annual congress of Nordic College of Equine Dentistry is to be held for the fifth time in January 2025. It is a highly appreciated and renowned equine dentistry congress, arranged in southern Sweden, close to Copenhagen airport.
With top speakers from the whole world, mixed with upcomers, the NCED annual Congress is representing veterinary equine dentistry at its best - both in basic and highly advanced level. The atmosphere and mentality are particularly welcoming and friendly, we are all colleagues meeting up to share knowledge and evolve ourselves as well as equine dentistry as a profession and art.
During the three event days the congress offer both plenary and seminary sessions, as well as panel discussions. Outside the lecture area one will find a sourceful fair hall for expanding the tool kits – as well as an abundance of fellow colleagues to mingle with; about 200 of them will be there with you as a delegate or speaker. Friday night all participants dress up and enjoy the congress dinner. The annual NCED congress is the event you don’t want to miss out from.
Every year the Congress Committee invites the most interesting speakers they know, but also welcome new speakers. If you are interested do share your work or insights at the congress, submit your abstract according to the instructions below.
If you already have received a personal invitation to speak, you are welcome to contact us regarding preferred subject(-s). Please follow the submission instructions below.
How to Submit Your Abstract
Submit following to, at 30th of April at latest;
your abstract(s) or presentation idea(s) (approximately 250 words),
approximate presentation time
your name and title(s), institution/clinic, country
your email address
your phone number including prefix
Your abstract/ideas will be reviewed, and you will get an answer as soon as possible, 31st of May at latest. Be sure to submit at 30th of April, at latest.
Review system and contract
After the submission deadline the Conference Programme Committee will choose among the appliants. If your abstract(s) is chosen, you will be contacted by mail for contract signing and congress details.
You will then also be informed about the formats and requirements for the material that will be printed in the congress proceedings, regarding you and your presentation(s).
As a contracted speaker you are obliged to submit the material to be printed (paper/abstract, eventual key notes from the presentation, photo, titles, institution) to NCED by 1st of September, at latest. Your digital presentation aid (i.e. PowerPoint) is to be uploaded in advance to the congress, to an advised Dropbox folder owned by NCED.
Presentation formats
The programme is mainly based on 20-minute blocks that can be fused if needed.
The presentations are held on-site.
The presentations will be recorded to be published in the NCED web site for a limited period, in a locked area, open only for delegates and speakers of the congress.
Each speaker and each presentation will be represented in the Congress Proceedings. NCED encourages speakers to provide not only abstracts, but also key slides and key notes as well as references, as an aid for the audience. Each speaker will be presented by photo, title and institution. We welcome a picture that makes it easy for the delegates to recognise you in person at the congress.
During the congress NCED also offer a book stand & poster area where you are welcome to provide printed material like books, leaflets, papers and posters, to share your work and, if you like, offer copies for sale. NCED provides the required personnel and payment channels for this stand and takes a 5% permission of sales.
Scheduling Requests
Because of the complexity of putting the Conference Programme together and the large numbers of participants involved, it is not usually possible to accommodate requests for specific presentation days or times. We ask that you reserve requests for religious reasons or other exceptional and unavoidable circumstances.
Scheduling requests will not be accepted after 1st of September 2024.
Reimbursement policy
The reimbursement policy will be revised compared to previous years. From now on it will be levelled according to on-stage time.
The NCED Congress Programme Committee; Dr Torbjörn Lundström, Dr Wouter Demey and Dr Nina Lundgren, hereby want to thank you for your attention and truly look forward to your submission.
By the pen
Nina Lundgren,
board member of NCED