“Biological Basics in Equine Dentistry” 2019 Congress and Annual Meeting
fre 18 jan.
|Söderköpings Brunn
MEMBERS ONLY Don´t miss out! - Final call! 30.11.2018
18 jan. 2019 09:00 – 19 jan. 2019 16:00
Söderköpings Brunn, Skönbergagatan 35, 614 30 Söderköping, Sweden
Dear NCED Members!
We proudly present and invite you to our 2019 congress and annual meeting!
Save the date January 18th and 19th 2019!
“Biological Basics in Equine Dentistry”
The focus and main topic of this gathering will be ‘Biological Basics of Equine Dentistry’, meeting and listening to equine dentistry colleges from all around the world.
Following you´ll find our topics for the 2019 congress. We wish to focus on maybe the most important in equine dentistry: in-depth knowledge of the basics. You probably know the saying "You can never learn enough, and the more you learn the more you know you don't know". Let´s leave it at that and get ready for NCED´s first Annual Equine Dentistry Congress 2019.
We welcome you!
- NCED Board
- Rob Pascoe UK - The Hypsodont tooth
- Torbjörn Lundström SE - Intentional reimplantation; The Biological Perspective
- Manfred Stoll DE - The Endodontium (dentin-pulp complex)
- Leena Karma FI - Equine Oral Exam
- Carla Omura BR - Methods for sedation and anesthetics
- Mette Aarup DK - Communication with the owner
- Oyvind Berven NO - The young horse
- Carla Omura BR - The ageing horse
- Ellen Schmedling NO - Equipment related lesions
- Anders Eriksson SE- The horses conditions for work
- Torbjörn Lundström SE - Cell-traces in the radiograph
- Ellen Schmedling NO - Bits and bitting, hands-on
- Sofia Tenselius SE - Dental materials, when to use
- Rob Pascoe UK - How to use an oroscope and how to manage your pictures and videos
- Manfred Stoll DE - Latest! Dental instrument for Periodontal Disease
- Karin Alexandersson/Linda Dunbäck SE - Ambulant Dentistry
- Panel discussion, Carla Omura and Wouter Demey
Friday 18.1.2019
08.30 – 09.00 Registration
09.15 Welcome by chairman Torbjörn Lundström
09.30 Biological basics in Equine Dentistry – part 1 - moderator Mette Aarup
The hypsodont tooth ’20 Rob Pascoe
The periodontium ’20 Torbjörn Lundström
The endodontium ’20 Manfred Stoll
Panel discussion ’30 (Questions from audience)
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee
11.30 – 13.00 Biological basics, continued - moderator Wouter Demey
Oral examination – what is physiologic and what is pathologic? Leena Karma
Methods for sedation and anesthesia ’20 Carla Omura
Occlusion – does it matter ’20 Torbjörn Lundström
Panel discussion
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.00 Age related changes - moderator Ellen Schmedling
The young horse ´20 Øyvind Berven
The ageing horse ’20 Carla Omura
Communication with the owner ’15 Mette Aarup
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee
15.30 – 16.30 The horse - moderator Torbjörn Lundström
Equipment related lesions – Ellen Schmedling
The horse’s conditions for work – Anders Eriksson
Panel discussion
16.30 – 18.30 Exhibition, mingle - drinks
19.00 Dinner
Saturday 19.1.2019
08.00 – 09.00 Annual Meeting
– Chair Torbjörn Lundström supported by Karin Alexandersson
09.00 -10.30 Case presentations - moderator Manfred Stoll
Each member of the board presents one or two ordinary cases (’10) Discussion.
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee
11.00 Perspectives on local differences in the horse business
Panel discussion, Carla Omura and Wouter Demey and Therese Lundberg
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 Table clinics – moderator Øyvind Berven
Torbjörn Lundström - Cell-traces in the radiograph
Ellen Schmedling - Bits and bitting, hands-on
Sofia Tenselius - Dental materials, when to use
Rob Pascoe - How to use an oroscope and how to manage your pictures and videos
Manfred Stoll - Dental instrument for Periodontal Disease
Karin Alexandersson/Linda Dunbäck/Mette Aarup - Ambulant Dentistry
15.00 -15.30 Coffee
15.30 – 16.00 Summing-up - moderator Torbjörn Lundström and Mette Aarup
Last day getting your ticket for the congress is 30.11.2018. Don´t miss out!
Members only - Not yet member? Sign up for your 2019 membership at nced.se/membership
- Registration from 0900. Please be prompt.
- 300 euro payment to confirm participation, via paypal to NCED.
- Food and lodging 2686 SEK (VAT incl.). Delegates pay direct to the Hotel at arrival. The hotel room night between Friday and Saturday at Söderköpings Brunn is pre booked, dinner Friday included.
- Delegates who need accommodation before or after the meeting contact Söderköpings Brunn, www.soderkopingsbrunn.se . Let them know you are with the NCED group, the hotel will then discount you.
- Trains: to Norrköping Central Station where buses to Söderköping are available.
- Flights options: nearest airport Linköping City Airport. www.linkopingcityairport.se - for further transport alternatives to Söderköping.
- Other options Skavsta Airport or Stockholm Arlanda Airport, further
- Transport to Söderköping train, bus or rental car
- Car: coming from south on E4 get off at departure 115 and follow signs “Söderköping”
- Coming from north on E4 get off at departure 115 and follow signs “Söderköping”
- In Söderköping (small town) see www.soderkopingsbrunn.se
- If you have q´s about travel alternatives please email us at post@nced.se
- Söderköpings Brunn www.soderkopingsbrunn.se
- Food and lodging 2686 SEK (VAT incl.) Friday and Saturday at Söderköpings Brunn, dinner Friday included, is pre booked.
- Delegates pay direct to the Hotel. Delegates who need accommodation before or after the meeting contact Söderköpings Brunn, www.soderkopingsbrunn.se
- If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know when you buy your ticket.
- No cancellation fee - no refunds. Bookings are not final until paid in full.
NCED Congress 2019
No refund
300,00 €Sale ended
0,00 €