Endodontics Panel Discussion Webinar
tis 12 sep.
12th of September VetPD arranges a Panel Discussion about ENDODONTICS. Since our chairman is one of the panelists, along with Hubert Simhofer, Chris Pearce and Jennifer Rawlinson, we can assure you those three hours will definitely give you new perspectives on restoring teeth - and how to do it.

12 sep. 2023 19:00 – 13 sep. 2023 22:00
The ability to perform endodontic treatment in horses could be considered as one of the most important recent advances in equine dentistry and when properly performed, this technique allows retention of teeth which would otherwise require extraction. Join our world-renowned panel of dentistry specialists as they discuss one of the hottest topics in this field. This panel discussion will cover case selection, required instrumentation and materials and a review of a variety of techniques from relatively straightforward incisor procedures to more complex cheek tooth endodontic procedures. In their review of endodontics in horses, the specialists will also discuss what could be learned by assessing the technique in other species. There will also be discussion of potential complications which may be encountered. Â The panel discussion will be fully interactive, with questions and comments from participants most welcome.
* Participants are encouraged to send in questions to info@vetpd.com prior to the panel discussion. There will also be the opportunity to raise questions during the discussion.
This webinar is arranged bydte educational organisation vetPD. They have arranged a lot of other dentistry related panel discussions - so why not sign up for a Panel Discussion Membership? Then you get access to all past panel discussion, and other benefits as well. VERY priceworthy!
Read more and register HERE