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Dr. Stijn Teysen

Stijn Teysen started his own private practice in 2011, focusing on equine dentistry. Exactly 10 years later (2021) he opened a new equine dental clinic, Vetrident. It is a modern, fully equipped dental clinic in the centre of Belgium.

Stijn is fascinated by the capacity of the oral cavity of the horse to regenerate, to function, to deal with the enormous forces and mechanical stress 16h/day.

He is interested in all aspects of ‘modern equine dentistry’, including all minimally invasive treatment options as restorative techniques and endodontics, sinus pathology, but also the sometimes-frustrating periodontal cases. Why does a diastema and periodontal disease develop in a horse, what are the treatment options, is there any scientific evidence behind these treatments?

He tries to contribute to animal welfare by organising courses for veterinarians and horse owners, to raise the awareness and knowledge about oral pathology in the horse. As in human dentistry, prevention is better than cure. 


Stijn has been an active NCED-member since the start of the organisation and became part of the board in 2019. He is responsible in the NCED for Education & Research.

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