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Dr. Wouter Demey

Wouter Demey graduated from Veterinary School in Ghent University (Belgium) in 2008. He completed an internship in a private equine clinic in Belgium and worked for 6 years in a large first/second opinion equine practice in The Netherlands. He established his own veterinary clinic Equide in 2012.

Equide is situated in Diest - east of Brussels - with good access to The Netherlands and Germany. The clinic is housed in a custom-made building with two treatment rooms equipped to the highest standards. Equide focuses on all aspects of equine dentistry ranging from first opinion work and bitting advice to 2nd/3rd opinion work. Equide invests a lot in minimally invasive techniques, like restorations, endodontics, trans-nasal sinus treatments.

Education (both for clients as colleague veterinarians) plays a key role within the organisation. Wouter was a founding member of NCED in 2017 and is since then a fellow NCED member (fNCED) and active board member. Within NCED he takes the role as secretary and is working mostly on the education and research part. Wouter frequently lectures on dentistry related topics at several congresses and courses.

More information on Wouter and his clinic Equide can be found on the homepage below.

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